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Follow our heroes on their adventures and discover the reasons that motivate each and every one of them to become one of the first Dragon-Bloods in the very first series of Heroes of Mount Dragon novels (available only in French for now). Get to know them through their stories filled with surprises and pitfalls. This thrilling series of 9 novels follows each hero's individual rise to the culmination of the birth of the League of Dragon-Bloods!

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Ozlow and the Elven Sanctuary
The time of the dragons is coming to an end, and I use my memories to bear witness to my last breaths. I'll start by telling the story of a young shadow elf who was banished for sparing the life of a young girl. He patiently waits for the day when he can resume his place among his people. In recent moons, he's taken on the role of a bounty hunter in search of lucrative contracts. A job that is well below his skills, but that will lead him to me. Unfortunately, he will have to pay the ultimate price for his journey. Now I step back and let the truth shine through in Ozlow's story.
— Razël, the last of the dragons
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Eliadora and the Cursed Forest
Without wanting to dramatize too much, I must admit that I will soon die. So I have to find a way to protect Eliadora, a young wood elf, before it's too late. I may be almost 2000 years old, but I still have a lot to learn about this world. In recent years, she roams the forest in search of the source of the corruption that destroys everything in its path. Her quest must however take place clandestinely, because her brothers are strongly opposed to her research. Armed with good intentions, she will have to face countless dangers, starting with her capture at the hands of the saurians, the ruthless lizardmen!
— Zëlia, the last of the dragons
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Grog and the Goblins' Plains
Forget the Celestial Dragon, because he's clearly on vacation when we need him! This is why destiny once again calls upon a great retired hero. However, things will inevitably… turn sour! Join us as we do everything we can to transform Grog, our good old half-orc boss, into a hero capable of defending the Goblins' Plains. Defend them from what, you say? Well, from Grog's half-brother, previously imprisoned in the legendary Labyrinth of Jalmondo. Basically, it's a place that's impossible to escape from, but (drum roll) he still managed to do so. Thirsty for blood and vengeance, he seeks to set our kingdom ablaze. Okay, enough talking! Take a seat and prepare for an adventure unlike any other! - signed the Marmimos, the Gobelins of the Chope.
PS: – It’s not a story about elves! OUCH! - Shut up!
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Fenek and the Forbidden Desert
The situation is serious! Someone seems to want to help the Archenemy dating from the legends of the ancient dragons of the time of Tenebrand. He seems to have returned after his absence of two thousand years. I must ensure that Fenek, one of the eight heroes of our vision, is up to my mission. She must find out who is helping the Enemy at all costs, on top of her own quest to find Morloch who killed her parents.
I am Hydra, the mightiest of dragons, and now it is my turn to act. Unlike my sisters, I'm not going to let my heroine decide her own destiny!
–Hydra, the last of the dragons
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Tiberius and the Hell Gorges
Fire and blood are on the menu! Welcome to my world, where demons are kings and humans are their slaves. Despite the eight Demon Lords waging a merciless war for the Throne of Hell, it is me and Tiberius, my future husband who does not know it yet, who will become the masters of the place. Tiberius, the almighty, barbarian clan leader, is destined to free his people from the tyranny of mine. It all sounds heroic, but that is only because it is the solution to my problem. I need his people to seize power, and what better way than to let others do all the work for me!
– Fyrilith, the future queen of demons.
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